Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Welcome to it I guess

Well here we are. A blog. My blog. Why you ask well I don't know but thought eh I think things and want to get them out when I'm board so here we are. First off this is shit that's gonna come straight from my mind and just blasted out here. Its pure thought and just that thought. Please don't hate me or attack me because of something that ran threw my mind that I'm most likely gonna forget about any way. Secondly this is just for fun so I don't really care about spelling here, I'm going to do my best but if I spell something small wrong of my grammar isn't Pulitzer worthy don't try and rip my nuts off okay. Well I guess your gonna want a little about me at this point so here we go. My name is Grady, I'm a nineteen year old white guy living in southern California with my mom and dad and sister. I was named after my dads birth dad who died when he was 9 and his step-dad. I love a lot and hate a lot you'll learn some of them over the course of this thing I'm doing. The most you need to know right now is I try my best to be a wholesome person but I'm by no means innocent, but I'm not the creator of foul either. I don't like assholes and backstabbers and I cant stand stuck up in your face I know more than you fucks that you see every were these days. I'm by no means fit or in shape as a matter of fact I'm a heavy fatso as gunny from full metal jacket would say I am a disgusting fat body, but I don't care. According to my doctors and my last check up I'm healthy but need to lose some weight anyway it'll be good for my heart. So I'm starting to do just that I know its slowly working because my man boobs or moobies have gotten smaller in the last few months. I'm 6'3 1/2 with red hair and blue eyes, and I'm the well known nobody. You may be wondering what the fuck that is and if you are ill enplane. Remember that guy in high school who everyone knew but didn't make any impact really. That guy who was for the most part just there. He was fun to be around and had his moments but for the most part was just kind of there. Well that's what a well known nobody is everyone knows him but hes nobody at the same time just part of the landscape and is barley in your memories. Unless you were in his close circle then he was more like Christ but that's beside the point. To the world hes just there. I was that guy in high school. I was there but no one noticed except my closet friends who have been more inclined to call me teddy bear and the doctors couch. I have always been there for everyone whose been willing to let me stay and that's just how I am I do my best to live my life to the next day, being the best person I can be. So we come to the end of this welcome and Your left with a choice, you can either stay on board with me and join in this ride we call life, listen to my thoughts and perhaps share some with me as well. Or you can just go on about your life, Its your life and you can do what you want. So goodbye have fun and Ill see you next time I have a burst of thought.

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